EasyPro Natural Phosphate Binder

Size: 2 lbs.
Sale price$21.14


Natural Phosphate Binder is an all natural powder formulation that provides a non-chemical alternative to using aluminum sulfate (ALUM) in koi ponds and water gardens. 

Phosphate Binder will buffer the water pH, provide approximately 70 beneficial trace minerals, provide minor flocculation (settling) of suspended particles, and aid in reducing ammonia. 

Phosphorus is an important nutrient for aquatic plants, however if too much phosphorous is present in your water it can change the health of your pond.  Phosphate Binder works by binding reactive phosphorus at the molecular level and removes it from the water column. This removal improves water quality and stimulates biological activity.

Dosage Rate: 1 oz scoop per 500 gallons of water.

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